Kali Roberge

5 Lessons Working in the Financial Industry Taught Me About Building Personal Wealth

The best lessons I've learned underline the fact that there's less of a relationship between technical know-how and increasing wealth than you might expect — and that managing your behavior is really the first step to successfully managing your money.

Kali Roberge
5 Lessons Working in the Financial Industry Taught Me About Building Personal Wealth
Kali Roberge

Doing for Pleasure, Rather Than Performance

While social media alleges to serve a function for us to share our normal lives and increase our connections, what it really does is pressure us into a constant, never-ceasing performance. Maybe there’s a different way to do things.

Kali Roberge
Doing for Pleasure, Rather Than Performance
Kali Roberge

The Person You Could Have Become

The second I tried to imagine what that would feel like, however, if I ran into The Person I Could Have Been, a very different vision materialized. I didn’t see some idealized version of myself, but the exact opposite. I saw the me I could have become had an infinite number of little moments throughout my life not turned out in my favor.

Kali Roberge
The Person You Could Have Become
Kali Roberge

The "Aha"​ Moment That Moved Me from Saver to Investor

I was always a good saver - until I realized saving alone wasn't going to be enough to build significant wealth or reach financial independence.

Kali Roberge
The "Aha"​ Moment That Moved Me from Saver to Investor
Kali Roberge

I Used to Obsess Over FIRE. Here's Why I Fell Out of Love

There’s a balance to maintain between enjoying your life right now and ensuring that you’ve planned appropriately for the future. It doesn’t have to be extreme; this isn’t about choosing between FIRE or YOLO.

Kali Roberge
I Used to Obsess Over FIRE. Here's Why I Fell Out of Love
Kali Roberge

In Our Silence, We Are Complicit

Speak up. Ask questions. And act. We cannot sit complacent or silent as people are killed at the hands of law enforcement officials who were sworn to protect and serve.

Kali Roberge
In Our Silence, We Are Complicit
Kali Roberge

The Secret Formula to Mastering Anything

You wouldn’t expect to pick up an instrument and play it (let alone play it well) without practice. Why would you expect anything else that you want to be “good” at to be any different?

Kali Roberge
The Secret Formula to Mastering Anything
Kali Roberge

What a Quarter-Life Crisis and a Career in Finance Taught Me About Living Well

I have found the power of stepping off into the unknown, where there are no promises but there are endless possibilities.

Kali Roberge
What a Quarter-Life Crisis and a Career in Finance Taught Me About Living Well
Kali Roberge

Don't Forget: There's a Whole Forest Out There

Despite the fact we might only be able to see the nearest trees, there is a whole forest out there. It didn’t disappear just because things got hard or weird or scary or uncertain.

Kali Roberge
Don't Forget: There's a Whole Forest Out There
Kali Roberge

The Biggest Lie We're Told About Saving and Spending Money

Discussions on best ways to grow wealth or improve your personal finances — whether you want to reach financial freedom or have other goals in mind — would be a lot more effective if we stopped making “a high savings rate” mean the same thing as “a good person.”

Kali Roberge
The Biggest Lie We're Told About Saving and Spending Money
Kali Roberge

An Honest Review of The Wing: A Freelancer's Perspective on the All-Woman Community Space

I’ve been a member of the Boston location for a few months now, and I’ve gathered enough info and insights to put together an honest review of The Wing that might help other women interested in using the space for coworking.

Kali Roberge
An Honest Review of The Wing: A Freelancer's Perspective on the All-Woman Community Space
Kali Roberge

This One Word Is the Key to Knowing How to Use Your Money as an Effective Tool

A good question to ask yourself if you want to start using your money as an effective tool that allows you to build the life you want is this one: “How can I get the highest and best use of the resources I have to align the life I live with what I value?”

Kali Roberge
This One Word Is the Key to Knowing How to Use Your Money as an Effective Tool
Kali Roberge

Prompts and Questions to Kickstart Your Year-End Planning and Strategy Sessions

Here are some of the routines and rituals I rely on to provide the structure needed to make the most of my year-end planning time.

Kali Roberge
Prompts and Questions to Kickstart Your Year-End Planning and Strategy Sessions
Kali Roberge

This Is Not a 30 Things I've Learned in 30 Years Blog Post

Tomorrow is my 30th birthday. That’s a big milestone and for most of the year, I wondered what I should do to commemorate or celebrate it.

Kali Roberge
This Is Not a 30 Things I've Learned in 30 Years Blog Post
Kali Roberge

If You Follow This Pattern for Happiness, You'll Never Have It

It doesn’t matter if it’s a house or a car or a piece of clothing or a better body or a smartphone or a TV or a KitchenAid stand mixer, the default of human thinking around how to improve life seems to be “when I get ___, I will be ___.” But that formula never adds up.

Kali Roberge
If You Follow This Pattern for Happiness, You'll Never Have It
Kali Roberge

Want to Achieve More in Life? Then Change Your Relationship with This One Thing

It took me until my mid-20s to realize what a close relationship I had with fear — and to understand how toxic and limiting it was.

Kali Roberge
Want to Achieve More in Life? Then Change Your Relationship with This One Thing
Kali Roberge

The Importance of Trying on Ideas (and What to Do When You Find Some You Don't Like)

I am sharing one way of doing or thinking about things. Not the only way; not even the “right” way. Just a way.

Kali Roberge
The Importance of Trying on Ideas (and What to Do When You Find Some You Don't Like)
Kali Roberge

Do You Find Yourself Hooked by Online Negativity?

When you can see online negativity for what it is — the suffering of someone who has absolutely no other way to cope with their misery — it becomes a little easier to take a step back instead of engaging.

Kali Roberge
Do You Find Yourself Hooked by Online Negativity?
Kali Roberge

Feeling Stuck? Try a Pattern Interrupt

You can apply a pattern interrupt in any area of your life in which you wish to spark change — or to simply increase awareness of your own behaviors and habits. In my case, I’m motivated by the awareness piece: I want to practice mindfulness with my money, so I’m setting myself this experiment and giving myself a chance to play around to see what comes up.

Kali Roberge
Feeling Stuck? Try a Pattern Interrupt
Kali Roberge

BYH Content Roundup: March 2019

Each month, I’m creating a BYH Content Roundup that features those latest pieces of content that I published under our BYH brand, either as articles and posts or most recent episodes of our podcast, Beyond Finances, that I co-host and produce.

Kali Roberge
BYH Content Roundup: March 2019
MindfulnessKali Roberge

If It's Time, Change Your Mind

You will do things today that you change your mind about at some point in the future. Things change. Times change. People change. You change.

MindfulnessKali Roberge
If It's Time, Change Your Mind
MindfulnessKali Roberge

Influence & the Responsibility to Do Good

There is absolutely nothing wrong with having fun creating content -- obviously, I create content for a living. But I wonder if the extent to which we take content creation in our normal, personal lives is a good thing. I wonder if the extent to which we consume it is good for us.

MindfulnessKali Roberge
Influence & the Responsibility to Do Good
Other EssaysKali Roberge

29 Things Learned in 29 Years

I wanted to quickly share some of the best things I've learned from 29 years of good living. Some of these are simple, maybe obvious; others feel rather profound. I hope you find something on this list that resonates with you or helps you consider something completely new you'd never thought about before.

Other EssaysKali Roberge
29 Things Learned in 29 Years
MindfulnessKali Roberge

The Opportunities That Come When You Learn to Think in Bets

Most of us form beliefs based on subconscious reactions and deep-seated emotions. We hardly ever develop our beliefs based on careful reasoning and critical thinking, and we rarely bother to question or challenge or fact-check those beliefs once we accept them.

MindfulnessKali Roberge
The Opportunities That Come When You Learn to Think in Bets