Kali Roberge

The "Aha"​ Moment That Moved Me from Saver to Investor

Kali Roberge
The "Aha"​ Moment That Moved Me from Saver to Investor

This essay was originally written for and published on Business Insider

I was lucky to grow up with parents who constantly talked about the importance of saving money. Their advice helped me get started on the right financial foot as an adult.

They instilled in me the belief that I should never spend money I didn't have, something I took so seriously that I managed to live debt-free until the age of 30 (when I took out a mortgage to buy a house).

When my parents told me they couldn't afford the college tuition for my university of choice, I deliberately chose a cheaper state school where the academic merit scholarships I earned would cover the cost of an undergraduate degree.

I graduated debt-free and prioritized finding a job that would provide benefits and pay my bills rather than pursuing something in my field, writing and historical research — which wasn't exactly paying well during the recession back in 2011. 

Later, once I was financially established, I made the switch to doing what I really wanted: making a living as a writer.

My parents savings-comes-first advice led me to focus on getting my financial ducks in a row first when I took my initial steps into my independent adult life, so I could make bolder and riskier money moves (like becoming self-employed and eventually starting a business) from a solid foundation.

That basic but fundamental financial wisdom positioned me for a great start. But my parents didn't know a thing about investing, and it was the investing advice they didn't give me that helped me grow my own wealth as an adult.

My aha moment: realizing saving money wasn't enough

My parents didn't really need to know anything about investing; my dad worked as a firefighter for 30 years and retired with a pension, and my mom has worked at the same company since she was 18, going from receptionist to department manager and contributing to her 401(k) all along the way.

It's a relief — and a privilege — to know that they're set for their own retirement thanks to their savings habits and career choices.

As a millennial with a desire to be self-employed, however, there would be no pension for me; no 40-years-at-the-same-company career path.

When I got my first job, I did contribute to the company's retirement plan and ensured I got the full employer match. Outside of that, I did what I knew to do: I saved as much as I could...

But it all sat in cash.

I got this sneaking suspicion that, if I stayed on the trajectory I was on in terms of earnings and what I could expect from my income, and only saved money, I'd never have enough to retire — even if I did everything "right" by saving, avoiding debt, and living within my means.

One day I did the math, and that confirmed my fears: There was no way I was going to have enough money to ever be able to stop working. It was the "aha" moment I needed to take my savings habit and make it work far harder for me (so that I wouldn't have to be the one working forever).

I realized I needed to learn more about investing if I actually wanted to build wealth.

How I started investing (when I had no idea what I was doing)

My process for dealing with something I don't understand is to write about it. The first thing I did when I realized I had absolutely no clue how to invest to free myself from the future prospect of working until I keeled over, was start a personal finance blog.

This wasn't a blog to dole out advice to anyone; I highly recommend you hire a professional and Certified Financial Planner for that, not some millennial with a keyboard who likes to muse into the void of the internet.

My little blog served as a platform to organize my research, questions, and findings. My bachelor's degree in history turned out to be good for something: It gave me the skills I needed to dig into the far corners of available resources to find desired information.

Now, I'm not suggesting you need to create your own blog to start investing — but I do think it's worth doing your own research and asking the questions that you have. The information is out there and the challenge is not in accessing it, it's in sifting through it to find the strategy and action steps that best suit your situation.

That's exactly what I did to learn the basics of investing. I read books (I recommend "The Random Walk Guide to Investing" by Burton Malkiel to anyone looking for a starting point). I dug into online forums. I ran endless Google searches for every follow-up question.

I read article after article after article from business and finance publications. I tracked down financial experts and asked them questions about the points I read but didn't understand. 

Eventually, I settled on a passive investment philosophy, opened a Roth IRA and a brokerage account at Vanguard, and selected index funds that represented the total stock and bond markets. Then I set up an automated monthly contribution to fund both accounts.

Today, my investment strategy looks a little different; there's more nuance and complexity, thanks in part to the fact that my career actually did evolve to find a niche in finance and today I help run a financial planning firm. 

But I didn't need that nuance and complexity when I started. The most important thing for me — or anyone who is looking to start investing to grow wealth — was just get started

Choose a simple, low-risk strategy that you understand and begin. Time is your biggest advantage when you start investing. Don't let it waste away.